1、在Ribbon的Ribbon.Library.ViewFormat位置创建一个Button控件。2、 根据当前登录用户是否在特定的Groups内来决定他是否有权使用(Enable)此Button。3、 此Button的功能就是跳出一个简单的信息提示框。效果如下:
1. 创建一个新的Project,为Farm Solution 2. 在此Project上添加一个新Feature.3、在此Project上添加一个新的"Empty Element"4、此Element定义代码如下: <? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> < Elements xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/" > < CustomAction Id ="ButtonForGroupUsersOnly" Location ="CommandUI.Ribbon" RegistrationId ="101" RegistrationType ="List" Title ="Owners Group Button" > < CommandUIExtension > < CommandUIDefinitions > < CommandUIDefinition Location ="Ribbon.Library.ViewFormat.Controls._children" > < Button Id ="Ribbon.Library.ViewFormat.UsersBtn" Command ="usersBtnCommand" LabelText ="Group Users Button" TemplateAlias ="o1" />" </ CommandUIDefinition > </ CommandUIDefinitions > < CommandUIHandlers > < CommandUIHandler Command ="usersBtnCommand" CommandAction ="javascript:alert('Action from this button !');" EnabledScript ="javascript:EnablerScript(4,5);" /> </ CommandUIHandlers > </ CommandUIExtension > </ CustomAction > < CustomAction Id ="Ribbon.Library.ViewFormat.Scripts" Location ="ScriptLink" ScriptSrc ="/_layouts/SPRiboonTest/CheckUserInGroup.js" /> </ Elements >
// /<reference name="MicrosoftAjax.js" /> // /<reference path="file://C:/Program Files/Common Files/Microsoft Shared/Web Server Extensions/14/TEMPLATE/LAYOUTS/SP.core.debug.js" /> // /<reference path="file://C:/Program Files/Common Files/Microsoft Shared/Web Server Extensions/14/TEMPLATE/LAYOUTS/SP.debug.js" /> var idGroupToVerify1 = 4; var idGroupToVerify2 = 5; var nameGroup1 = "DevpTest Owners"; var nameGroup2 = "DevpTest Visitors"; var arrIsInThisGroup = new Array(2); arrIsInThisGroup["DevpTest Owners"] = false; arrIsInThisGroup["DevpTest Visitors"] = false; ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(InitGroups, "sp.js"); // initialize groups ids for the current user function InitGroups() { // debugger; CheckUser(idGroupToVerify1, nameGroup1); // Judge if user is in the given group // beacuse of some errors if execute together setTimeout("CheckUser(" + idGroupToVerify2 + ", '" + nameGroup2 + "')", 500); } // groupIDs is all the groups we need to check, but only 4 and 5 can enable the button function EnablerScript(groupIDs) { if (groupIDs) { var isButtonEnabled = false; // groupid comes in string comma separated // '4' or '4,5' var arrGrId = groupID.split(','); var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < arrGrId.length; i++) { var currGroupID = arrGrId[i]; if (currGroupID == idGroupToVerify1) isButtonEnabled = isButtonEnabled || arrIsInThisGroup[nameGroup1]; if (currGroupID == idGroupToVerify2) isButtonEnabled = isButtonEnabled || arrIsInThisGroup[nameGroup2]; } return isButtonEnabled; } return false; } // The below checks if the user exists in the group function CheckUser(groupID, isInThisGroup) { // debugger; var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current(); // I go to parent site if I'm in a subsite! var siteColl = context.get_site(); web = siteColl.get_rootWeb(); var groupCollection = web.get_siteGroups(); // Get the Our Group's ID var _group = groupCollection.getById(groupID); // ID of the Group that we are checking var users = _group.get_users(); // Get all Users of the group we are checking context.load(_group); context.load(users); this._users = users; // Get users of the checking group this._currentUser = web.get_currentUser(); // Get current login user this._isInThisGroup = isInThisGroup; context.load( this._currentUser); context.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate( this, this.CheckUserSucceeded), Function.createDelegate( this, this.failed)); } // The below Checks if User is the member of the specified group function CheckUserSucceeded() { // debugger; if ( this._users.get_count() > 0) { var _usersEnum = this._users.getEnumerator(); while (_usersEnum.moveNext()) { // Scan all the users in specific group and to see if the current user exists in these users var user = _usersEnum.get_current(); // Get current login user if (user.get_loginName() == this._currentUser.get_loginName()) { // compare user // debugger; arrIsInThisGroup[ this._isInThisGroup] = true; // if the user exists in the group then set the flag to be true } } } } function failed(sender, args) { alert("error"); }
1、关于如何让让用户定义的Ribbon引用外部Javascript文件,请参考此文。2、在CheckUserInGroup.js中,我们预定义了可以Enable此Button的Groups(groupid分别是4和5),如果要检查的goups不在此预定义的goups内,或者当前LoginUser也不在此预定义的goups内则此Button不可使用。CheckUserInGroup.js代码如下,你可能根据你自身情况进行修改。3、<CommandUIHandler>中的EnableScript属性为True则Button被Enable,否则Disable,而此值的设置是通过其内的Javascript {javascript:EnableScript(4,5)}返回值来实现的。